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We’ve talked about Earthmover AB before. He’s been a friend of Cat Footwear, creating playlists and styling the heck out of our boots and generally being an inspiration to all of us.

Adrian Butler is part DJ, part designer, and 100% entrepreneur. He’s an Earthmover who has turned his DJ influence into an innovative career that combines fashion, music, and collaboration. Whether we’re seeing him share the stage with the likes of Lil’ Wayne, or we’re randomly spotting his Above & Below gear on skateboarders in Venice Beach, we’re always inspired by AB’s ability to blur lines and break down barriers.

We wanted to learn more about AB and got the chance to sit down and peek inside his brain. Check out the video below to see what drives him, his music, and aspirations in life. You might just find yourself inspired to take that leap of faith and follow the passion that drives you.

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